Laura Crawford: The Wildlife Conservation Society

A biologist, researcher, and wildlife advocate, Laura Crawford has recently been studying gray whale migration patterns along the San Francisco coast. She also serves as a volunteer guide for school and tourists groups who wish to explore Muir Beach, Bolinas Beach, the Farallon Islands, and other coastal environments near San Francisco. Ms. Crawford strives to protect natural assets across the region through her ongoing involvement with the Wildlife Conservation Society. 

Wildlife Conservation SocietyFor nearly 120 years, the Wildlife Conservation Society has been fighting to save wildlife and untouched natural places all around the world. Early initiatives spearheaded by the organization included returning the bison to its rightful place of prominence on the Western Plains of the United States.

Today’s Wildlife Conservation Society has grown by leaps and bounds. The nonprofit is presently committed to preserving a full 25 percent of the world’s biodiversity. In addition to managing approximately 500 conservation endeavors in more than 60 different countries, the Wildlife Conservation Society manages five parks in New York City, including the Central Park Zoo, the Bronx Zoo, and the New York Aquarium.